Monday, 17 May 2010

Nik Ford wins Best Rider Medal at Heat 11 of the South Eastern Australian BMX League

The finals are getting ever closer and with only 1 qualifying heat now remaining the level of riding at Heat 11 of the South Eastern Australian BMX League on Saturday was so high. Chelsea skatepark appears to be a good course for me ( see the previous post below ) At Heat 11 on Saturday just gone I won the medal for Best Rider!

Nik Ford - Best Rider at Heat 11 of the South Eastern Australian BMX League 2010

Proper stoked!, I used my whole 2nd run to get the toothpick grind transfer out of the park pulled - the first crash knocked the wind out of me but I dusted myself off and got it done. This result also means that I keep my qualifying record intact by not having placed outside of the top 10 at any Heat. YES !

I will blog again early next week with an update about the last qualifer and if Ive made the cut - FINGERS CROSSED !

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